
7 Things to Always Have in Your Home to Attract Money

Author: Guru Maa Astrologer Posted on: February, 16, 2023

7 Things to Always Have in Your Home to Attract Money

Who doesn't want to attract more money into their life? Whether you're looking to increase your income or simply bring in more financial abundance, there are several things you can do to enhance the energy in your home and invite prosperity. In this article, we'll explore 7 things you should always have in your home to attract money. By incorporating these simple items into your living space, you can create a more abundant, prosperous environment that supports your financial goals.

7 Things Which Attract Money to Your Home

  1. A Wealth Vase

A wealth vase is a powerful feng shui tool that is designed to attract wealth and abundance. It's essentially a decorative vase that is filled with symbolic items such as crystals, coins, and precious stones. The vase is then placed in a prominent location in your home, such as your living room or office. The wealth vase is said to activate the energy of abundance and prosperity, and it's a great way to enhance the financial power in your home.

  1. Plants and Flowers

Plants and flowers are not only beautiful, but they can also help to attract money into your life. Certain plants such as lucky bamboo and money trees are believed to bring good luck and financial prosperity. Additionally, plants and flowers help to purify the air in your home, creating a healthier environment that supports your overall well-being.

  1. Mirrors

Mirrors are a powerful feng shui tool that can help to attract more money into your life. When placed strategically, mirrors can reflect the energy of abundance and bring in more wealth and prosperity. For example, you might place a mirror near your front door to reflect wealth and abundance as you enter your home. Just be sure to avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they can disrupt your sleep.

  1. A Prosperity Bowl

A prosperity bowl is a decorative bowl that is filled with symbolic items such as coins, crystals, and other objects that represent wealth and abundance. The bowl is placed in a prominent location in your home, such as your living room or dining room. As with the wealth vase, the prosperity bowl is said to activate the energy of abundance and attract more wealth and prosperity into your life.

  1. A Clear and Clutter-Free Home

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to attract money into your life is to keep your home clean and clutter-free. Clutter can block the flow of energy and create a stagnant environment that hinders your financial success. By keeping your home clean and organized, you create a more open and welcoming space that invites abundance and prosperity.

  1. Place Crystals Around Your Home

Crystals are believed to have healing properties and can help to balance the energy in your home. Certain crystals are also associated with attracting money and prosperity. For example, citrine is believed to be a powerful crystal for attracting wealth and abundance. By placing crystals around your home, you can create more positive and abundant energy that can help attract money.

  1. Display Symbols of Wealth

Displaying symbols of wealth in your home is another way to attract money and prosperity. For example, you can display images of money or use decorations that are associated with wealth, such as gold or green. By surrounding yourself with these symbols of wealth, you can create a more positive and abundant energy that can help attract money.

Consult with Guru Maa Vidyavati Ji for More Astrology Remedies

While there are many things that you can do to attract money into your home, consulting with an astrologer like Guru Maa Vidyavati Ji - a vashikaran specialist in Gandhinagar can provide you with personalized guidance on the best practices to implement based on your unique astrological profile. Astrologers use various tools, such as Vedic astrology, to analyze the positions of the stars and planets at the time of your birth and provide insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential. By understanding your unique astrological profile, you can identify the areas of your life that may be impacting your finances and take steps to improve them. 


Attracting money into your home is something that many people desire, and there are many tips and tricks out there to help with this. However, it can be challenging to know which tips are legitimate and which are simply myths. By incorporating practices such as clearing out clutter, adding plants, using crystals, keeping your home clean and tidy, displaying symbols of wealth, setting intentions, and practicing gratitude, you can create a more positive and abundant energy that can help attract money and prosperity into your life.

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